9 Ways to Share the Joy this Mother's Day

With Mother's Day fast approaching, we've listed our top nine ways to celebrate.
27th February 2024

How will you mark the occasion this year?


Here at Jackpotjoy, we love to share the joy. After all, it's in our name! And who better to share the joy with than our loved ones?  

Get your calendars out, find 10th March and circle it - then circle it again for extra measure. This year's Mother’s Day is falling on Sunday 10th March and we think it's the perfect opportunity to share some joy with your mum (or just the special women in your life). 

So, without further ado, here are nine ways to celebrate Mother's Day this year. 

Order flowers 

An oldie but a goodie – flowers are a classic way to make a winning moment for your mum. You can pick your own if you like (just make sure you aren't picking from someone's garden!) and arrange them into a fabulous bouquet to pop on the kitchen side.  

Big and bold or small and dainty, whatever flowers you decide to go for are sure to put a smile on her face. Bloomin' lovely. 

Get the steps in 

One of the perks of Mother's Day falling in March is that it's finally Springtime. Or it should be – don't hold us to the UK weather. Instead of ordering a bunch of flowers to gift your mum, why not go for a walk where you can see them all around you?  

A Sunday walk is a great way to enjoy a natter while stretching the legs before a full roast. Bonus points if it's sunny! We recommend having a pair of wellies spare, just in case. The best part? It's free to go for a walk with your mum, making this a bargain way to share some joy. 

Enjoy a pamper session 

Pop the kettle on, get comfy and set yourselves up for a little R&R with a pamper session. We're talking face masks, your fluffiest dressing gowns, some not-for-eating slices of cucumber. You could even try your hand at giving your mum a massage! Just be sure to warm up your hands before getting started – we don't want any cold shocks. 

Fancy getting a massage too? Head to a nearby salon instead and get the full spa experience for the both of you, where you can both enjoy some pampering while catching up on the latest.  

Give the gift of chocolates 

Another classic Mother's Day gift that never fails to hit the spot is chocolates. Individual bites of joy wrapped up in a gorgeous box, chocolates are a great way to hit your mum's sweet spot.  

No stress if chocolates aren't your mum's thing though, there are plenty of alternatives to choose from. Stick with the sweet theme and whip up a cake (we hear lemon drizzle is fan-favourite) or use this as an opportunity to top up that biscuit barrel.  

Prefer savoury? A picnic hamper packed with crackers and chutneys never fails if you're in a pickle. 

Watch a show 

Catch the latest showing at your local cinema, share a laugh at a comedy night or make a day of it by travelling to the West End for a theatre trip. The possibilities are endless!  

If you can't be with your mum in person this year, then there are still ways to enjoy a show together. Agree on a movie (this will be the hard part), then set up a 'watch party' via your streaming service or by balancing your phone on the nearest stack of books while on video call. This is high-tech stuff, guys.  

For a show packed with action and belly-busting laughs, check out Jackpotjoy's live shows online or on Facebook! Featuring our fabulous chat hosts and chances to get involved, our live shows offer brilliant entertainment that you can watch from the same sofa or from different areas entirely.  

Pop your chef's hat on 

We've all heard of serving mum breakfast in bed for her special day, so get ready to cook up a storm on Sunday 10th. 

Leave the cereal in the cupboard and push the boat out with some fresh eggs and pastries. Or, if you're feeling confident after last month's Pancake Day, get flipping with some chocolate chip pancakes. Phew, our stomachs are rumbling just thinking about it. 

Get playful 

Got a playful side you inherited from your mum? We've got just the thing for you this Mother's Day. Forget the flowers and mani-pedis, grab a bunch of games and battle it out to see who will claim a winning moment.  

Race to collect as many properties as possible, play detective in a classic whodunnit, or even join in one of free-to-play Slot Masters tournaments on-site! There's bound to be something both of you will enjoy.  

Flex your creative skills 

Remember the days you used to hand-make cards and gifts for Mother's Day? Hop in the time machine and enjoy some arts and crafts together this year.  

Whip the paintbrushes out, try your hand at pottery or keep things simple and make some DIY bingo tickets out of cardboard (leftover cereal boxes are given a new lease of life here). Which leads us nicely onto our next suggestion… 

Get together for a bingo party 

Time to put your DIY bingo tickets to use! Pop the tunes on, line up some tasty snacks and warm up those vocal cords ready to shout "HOUSE".  

For those who love a good night out but want to stay in this Mother’s Day, hosting a bingo party at home is an amazing way to get the land-based bingo experience while having fun with your mum. Play the traditional way or hop online and play one of our exciting online bingo games – the choice is yours. 

Find more tips over on the Jackpotjoy blog, where you can also get the inside scoop on our fabulous bingo rooms and our friendly hosts.